Today, it is not that much complicated to run your own web store. The easiest way to build an online store is to use a fully hosted, subscription-based cart. These services take care of all the hosting, payment integration and technical details, allowing you to quickly get a site up and running. Also they pay a great deal of attention regarding the security, and they have professional developers in case that you need some help.
There are numerous options to choose from, the price can be a bit higher than self-hosted carts, but if you dont have any experience in programing, you will probably need to pay much more for professional help if you decide to use self-hosted carts.
Here’s a list of popular hosted carts on the market:
- BigCommerce
- Shopify
- Spark Pay
- Volusion
- 3D Cart
- Yahoo! Merchant Solutions
- X-cart
- WooComerce
- OpenCart
- Magento
- Ultra Cart
- Spree Commerce (for ruby developers)
- Satchmo (for Python developers)
- Presta Shop
Also you will need to buy host and domain for this kind of cart.
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